Thursday, July 12, 2007

Norway - Day 2 Hike above the Fjord

On July 5Th, we woke up and looked our window and looked directly at the Queen Elizabeth 2. It had just sailed into the dock at about 6AM after being leaving the arctic circle. This is one big ship and seem to take up the entire end of the Fjord.

Today, we drove down the Fjord to Aurland (8km) and then headed up a road above the town. We stopped a wonderful view vantage point looking over the Fjord. Even the toilet had a view.

We then parked the car and started a hike up the ridge called "Prest". Each time we get a little higher, we would stop and take more photos. After 1.5hrs and a pretty steep climb, we reached the "Prest" area. After signing the log book, we decided to hike up further to another point. This took about 45 mins.

We sat on the top and had lunch and enjoyed the views below.

After our hike, we continued on the road to Lardel. This was across the snow fields. They snow was piled up to 10-15' in some areas.

Driving back to Flam, we passed through the world's longest tunnel (24.5KM). Before they finished this tunnel the only way across the top was the long narrow road that we drove on. The tunnel really opened up the next Fjord area.

To view more photos of this portion of our trip, click here.

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